Silver coin Mythological figures - Fairy stand

Silver coin Mythological figures - Fairy stand
Mythological figures
The sixth silver coin of the Czech Mint from the series entitled Mythological Characters shows a fairy.
Magical fairies - ethereal female beings - have various forms and natures. Some live in forests, others in water, others fly. One is tiny - no bigger than a dragonfly - the other can not be distinguished from a woman. They can be kind, playful and light-hearted, but also vicious and hateful. While the evil fairy is capable of stealing a baby from its cradle and dancing a boy to death, the good one will help a traveller and become a devoted wife and mother... Although they have different names and appearance, similar creatures are found in most ancient cultures. Initially they were worshipped as deities, but with the rise of Christianity, which did not accept pagan idols, they were defamed. Negative qualities were attributed to them, and people began to see them as souls of the dead or fallen angels - neither good enough for heaven nor bad enough for hell. Although they eventually fell into oblivion and survive only in fairy tales, there are still places in the world where fairies are part of everyday life. In the British Isles, for example, police report some encounters.
The reverse side of the coin, which is the work of medal maker Roman Šamiljan, presents a fairy with a charming face and wings. As the licence to issue commemorative coins of the Czech Mint is granted by the Pacific island of Niue, the obverse side bears its national emblem, the nominal value of 2 DOLLARS (NZD) and the year of issue 2025. These necessary attributes are surrounded by the elemental nature - rocks, clouds, trees and waves. The details of the relief are highlighted by patina.
You can store the complete twelfe-piece coin collection featuring characters from the realms of myth, legend and fantasy in a collector's album that you can also find in our offer.