Silver medal Our Lady of Severn Sorrows - The Flight into Egypt SK stand

Silver medal Our Lady of Severn Sorrows - The Flight into Egypt SK stand

Stock state
In stock at the store
Date of issue
May 2022
500 pcs
112.00 EUR
including VAT

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Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows

The second silver medal of the Czech Mint from the cycle that invites to contemplate the events that marked the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, commemorating the flight to Egypt.

After the
Saviour was born in Bethlehem, three wise men came from the East to pay homage to Him. They visited King Herod in Jerusalem and asked him where they could find the newborn King of the Jews. Herod was troubled by their inquiry. He feared that the unknown child might threaten his rule, so he ordered the murder of all the Bethlehem boys under the age of two. Then an angel appeared to Joseph and warned him of the danger: "Wake up, take the child and his mother, take flight to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod will seek the child to destroy him." The flight abroad brought Mary much pain. She feared for her son and did not understand that someone hated him. It troubled her that she had to leave her home and go to a place that used to be full of enemies when the Jews lived there. It grieved her that thousands of innocent children were dying in connection with the birth of Jesus. In spite of these heavy burdens, she trusted God's plan. After his time in Egypt, the angel appeared to Joseph again and said, "Wake up, take the child and his mother, and go to Israel; for those who laid hold on the child's life have already died." The Holy Family obeyed, but did not return to Judea, where Herod's son ruled. Instead, they settled in Galilee - in a city called Nazareth...

On the obverse side of the commemorative medal, which is the work of medal maker David Kružliak, is a scene from Egypt. Joseph is leading a donkey on which Mary and Jesus are sitting. The scorching sun shines above them and the pyramids are in the background. The reverse side, which is common to the whole cycle, is dominated by the bust of the Virgin Mary. Her seven sorrows are expressed through a heart pierced by seven swords.

An integral part of the medal is a
brochure that recalls, in words and images, a chapter in the life of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows.


Czech mint
Author of the obverse
David Kružliak
Author of the reverse
David Kružliak
Numbered issue
42 g
50 mm
Grey paper box
Czech Mint