Silver coin 200 Kč 2024 Publication of Comenius’ map of Moravia stand

Silver coin 200 Kč 2024 Publication of Comenius’ map of Moravia stand

Stock state
Now unavailable
Date of issue
October 2024
Estimated price
29.00 EUR
including VAT

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Product description

The silver coin of the Czech National Bank with a nominal value of 200 CZK, which is minted in quality standard, commemorates the 400th anniversary of the publication of Comenius' map of Moravia.

Although John Amos Comenius visited Poland, England, Sweden, Hungary and the Netherlands on his life pilgrimage, he loved Moravia the most. He confessed his love for his homeland through a map. He was not only a theologian, philosopher and pedagogue, but also a cartographer. Historically, this was only the second independent map of Moravia. The first was made by the physician Fabricius in 1569 and served as a basis for the work of the "teacher of nations". After his predecessor, Comenius had to correct a number of mistakes and errors - he redrew Fabricius' map and added his own thoughts. Although he had considerable knowledge of geodesy, he did not survey the Moravian landscape. Instead, he relied on his personal experience from his travels in Moravia and on the advice of local scholars. In the resulting work, which was also contributed by the engraver Goos and the printer Visscher from Amsterdam, he captured over a thousand objects - among them towns, villages, fortresses, bridges, monasteries, vineyards, medicinal springs, mines, rivers, fords and passes. Over the decades, the map has been published more than a hundred times - appearing in world atlases, travel cases and card games, and thanks to its beautiful graphic decoration, it has also become a sought-after decoration. Since it was published in the turbulent post-White Mountain era of 1624, it was also widely used by the various armies fighting in the Thirty Years' War.

The design by the academic sculptor Zbyněk Fojtů won the art competition of the Czech National Bank. He divided Komenský's map image evenly on both sides of the coin. The expert jury particularly appreciated the perfect artistic rendering of the city in the header of the map, which offer a view of Polná, Olomouc, Brno and Znojmo.

All Czech coins - both commemorative and circulation - are produced at the Czech Mint in Jablonec nad Nisou.


Czech national bank
Nominal value
Numbered issue
13 g
31 mm
Czech Mint