Silver coin 200 Kč 2024 Publication of Comenius’ map of Moravia proof

Silver coin 200 Kč 2024 Publication of Comenius’ map of Moravia proof

Stock state
Now unavailable
Date of issue
October 2024
Estimated price
33.00 EUR
including VAT

The product can also be purchased directly in the stores of the Czech Mint

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Product description

The silver coin of the Czech National Bank with a nominal value of 200 CZK, which boasts top-quality proof, is issued to the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the publication of Comenius' map of Moravia.

John Amos Comenius became famous as a theologian, philosopher and pedagogue. All of Europe knows him as the "teacher of nations", but it is a little-known fact that he was also a cartographer - the author of a detailed map of Moravia. The full title of this work was "Moraviae nova et post omnes priores accuratissima delineatio". Comenius' aim was to correct the mistakes and errors made by his predecessors in mapping his homeland. He himself had walked his native land and knew it like the back of his hand. In addition to his personal experience, he also used the advice of local scholars and the first independent map of Moravia, made by the doctor Pavel Fabricius in 1569. In the scale of 1:520000, Komenský's map then included over a thousand objects - towns, villages, fortresses, bridges, monasteries, vineyards, medicinal springs, mines, rivers, fords and passes. As the Bohemian-German map was published in the turbulent post-Belarusian period of 1624, it was widely used by various armies fighting in the Thirty Years' War. However, it also served peaceful purposes. Over the decades, it has been published more than a hundred times - appearing in world atlases, travel cases and card games, and its beautiful graphic decoration has also made it a sought-after decoration.

The design by the academic sculptor Zbyněk Fojtů won the art competition of the Czech National Bank and he divided Comenius map image evenly on both sides of the coin. The expert committee particularly appreciated the perfect artistic rendering of the city in the map header, which offer a view of Polná, Olomouc, Brno and Znojmo.

The exclusive producer of Czech coins - both commemorative and circulation coins - is the Czech Mint in Jablonec nad Nisou.


Czech national bank
Nominal value
Numbered issue
13 g
31 mm
Blue plastic case M33
Czech Mint