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Product description

Although you may not know the name Josef Maximilián Petzval, we thank to this Slovak scholar for many modern technologies. Therefore, he rightfully owns a commemorative set of circulating euro coins from a new cycle called World Inventions of Slovak Inventors.

Josef Maximilián Petzval
studied at the Levoča grammar school, and he almost failed mathematics in the fourth class. At the time, no one thought he would dedicate his whole life to calculations. He worked hard not only on his engineering degree, but also on his doctorate in mathematics, and he taught mathematics for forty years at the University of Vienna. He then performed various experiments at home. He was manually skilled - he excelled in grinding glass and fine mechanics, so he paid special attention to optics. He first designed Petzval's lens, which allowed him to take a sufficiently sharp picture in just a few seconds and which is still used in some types of devices till today. He also designed the construction of lighting and projection devices, a landscape lens for large-format cameras, a binocular telescope and a theater peephole, and improved the microscope. Unfortunately, he did not secure patent protection for his inventions, and others enriched themselves with their practical use. However, the name Petzval has not been forgotten…

The comprehensive set includes all valid
circulating euro coins issued by the National Bank of Slovakia in 2020 and minted by the Slovak Mint Mincovňa Kremnica. These are the nominal values of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 c and 1 and 2 €, which are supplemented with a thematic commemorative token.

The set is stored in a
special blister with an overwrap.


Numbered issue
186.73 g
Czech Mint