Internal reporting system – WHISTLEBLOWING

The internal whistleblowing system of the Czech Mint offers you the opportunity to report potential violations of the rules.

Every report is investigated and dealt with thoroughly. The cornerstone of the system is to make sure that the report can be made without fear of reprisal, while guaranteeing the principle of a fair process for all parties involved.

The processing of incoming notifications is carried out by a competent person who ensures that only the necessary information about the whistleblower is passed on to the company.

Proper and compliant behaviour is a top priority for the company. The success of our company is based on the fact that we, together with our customers, employees and suppliers, are successful through honesty and compliance. In order to be able to ensure this goal over the long term, it is important to gather information about potential misconduct so that we can investigate these indications and – if they prove to be justified – correct the misconduct.

Jana Massalemová has been entrusted with the task of carrying out the activities pursuant to the "§ 9 zákona č. 171/2023 Sb., o ochraně oznamovatelů u Povinného subjektu".


Filing a notification

You can submit a notification through the internal notification system in any of the following ways:

a. by telephone to the telephone number of the relevant person, that is: +420 483 513 555;

b. in person, when meeting the designated person, whereby either an audio recording or a transcript faithfully capturing the substance of the notification will be made with the consent of the whistleblower. The whistleblower shall be entitled to comment on the recording or transcript of the audio recording, if made. If the whistleblower does not consent to the making of the sound recording or transcript, the designated person is not permitted to make it. In such a case, a report shall be made which faithfully captures the substance of the oral communication. The designated staff member shall give the whistleblower the opportunity to comment on the report. The whistleblower's statement shall be attached to the report;

c. in writing to the designated person, such correspondence shall be marked "Confidential, for the hands of the designated person only" or other similar wording ("Do not open", "Whistleblowing", etc.);

d. via the "Nenech to být (NNTB)" communication platform available on the website:

e. through the external notification system of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic:

Czech Mint