Petra Brodská, DiS.


What led you to work on coins and medals?

I've always enjoyed making models and creating things. My modelling teacher at the high school in Liberec recommended me to continue my studies at the Jablonec Higher Vocational School, where I studied the field of minted medals and coins. And I kind of stayed with it.

Do you remember your first project for the Czech Mint?

It seems like yesterday! It was a local currency project. The first one was a coin for Jablonec – 40 Jablonec Greschls – and it was done in the form of a school art competition. I wanted to sneak out of school early on a Friday afternoon, but what the hell, two teachers were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, outside the door. I was quite relieved when, instead of a reprimand for leaving early, came a congratulations for winning the competition.

Can you count how many designs for coins and medals were created by your hands?

There are a few already, I don't think I could finish counting.

Which order from the Czech Mint pleased you the most? Which one is your favourite?

I have fond memories of Petřín from the series of Lookout Towers, which was one of my first precious metal medals. And the Infant Jesus, where the only criteria was "a five-ounce gold coin". So in addition to the design, I also came up with the theme.

What subject matter is closest to your heart?

I like technical topics, especially auto-moto.

How do you find inspiration for your work? Where do you like to create?

In most cases, it is necessary to start by studying a specific topic. To clarify the "moments" that are important and that I want to elaborate further. Before I sit down with a pencil to paper, I think ahead and compose different possibilities in my head. The advantage is that this can be practiced at the same time as routine daily activities, like a sort of two-in-one, I just get a little distracted sometimes. But for the actual creating, I need peace and quiet.

Do you have a secret dream – something you want to achieve that you consider a highlight in your career as a medal maker?

If I gave it away, it wouldn't be a secret dream anymore! But I can reveal that it involves experimenting with other techniques and artistic disciplines.


Czech Mint